Sunday, March 29, 2009


"Do I love you because you're beautiful,

Or are you beautiful because I love you?

Am I making believe I see in you
A girl too lovely (perfect) to be really true?
Do I want you because you're wonderful
Or are you wonderful because I want you?
Are you the sweet invention of a lover's dream
Or are you really as beautiful as you seem?"

Subtly engendering the true feelings of any lovelorn person, this beautiful lyrical composition from Cinderella raises a few alarming questions in my head. The chimera of the perfect person that one falls in love with and the actual person might actually be nowhere remotely similiar (as is mostly the case). So, why create the illusion in the first place?

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

I let go of your hand. I wished I could hold it longer. I just wished.

I pined for you to come back. I was quite sure you would return. “If your love is true, Let go of it. It will surely return back.” So went the saying. That’s what the crappy movies made me believe.

I kept waiting. I still keep waiting. Will you return?


You let go of my hand. Couldn’t you have held it longer? As you unwrapped your fingers along my wrist, I wished for them to stay and strengthen the clasp. Alas, It wasn’t meant to be.

I wished you would understand the hurt. I longed for you to grip my hand again. I waited for a while – It seemed like it were ages.

Then we drifted apart. We still keep drifting apart. Now I can no more see you.

I would do anything to feel the grip of your hand on my wrist. But if I return, will you take me back? Worse still, Will you even be waiting?