Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Somewhere along the way, mediocrity creeps in. You become complacent. You take things too easily, take things for granted. All seems fine for a while. And, then suddenly, a loud THWACK on the face.

LIFE IS A BITCH!!! It slaps you hard and how.

Suddenly reality presents itself before you. The gravity of the situation knocks the wind out of your sails. Before you can realize that you are mired in a deep pit, it moves ahead, seemingly with a fierce fervour. Now you try to drag yourself out with whatever you can find hold of. It’s an epic struggle. Most give up while the prudent, stubborn few fight on to get back on track. The lucky few who resurface find that it’s too far ahead now. You have been thrown off track. So you now know all you can do is to play Catch Up. You keep sprinting desperately with determination and HOPE – an immortal soul. But then…………….

Note : Intern Blues

Monday, January 08, 2007

New Year. New Sem


(I know its quite late in the day but then its the wishes that count I guess!!!)

Exit 2006. Enter 2007.

As if it makes much of a difference. Life still is the same I guess. The old problems stay. Newer ones await in the wings. So what significance does a New Year hold??? I might sound quite cold and preposterous when I divulge I do not attach much importance to a New Year's Day. It just is another day in this bland routine cycle called Life. Isn't it???

Four or Five years back, I would have been busy on New Year's eve preparing a list of resolutions for the New Year. I also had the habit of making this resolution thingy on my birthday as well. So twice a year, I usually made a list of resolutions and twice a year i wouldn't stick to what I ordered for myself. As the years flew by, I realised I was making a futile effort in trying to change my way of life. Every passing year has been a confirmation of my not sticking to atleast a single resolution I decided upon. So as I grew older and, rightly, wiser, I decided I wouldn't make myself look stupid anymore. So I bid goodbye to writing lists which also meant a lot of energy and time and paper and ink saved. So right now I am not forcing myself to act differently in any sense. Just nice being just ME.

As the importance of the day waned, so did the greetings I'd send. The only recipients this year were my aunt and my school teachers. I did not spend a buck on the phone wishing a friend or relative. It also had to do with the mind tuned to the fact that lines are always busy on New Year's day and it would be a gargantuan task to just get to someone on the phone. A calm day infact.

And oh, Thanks to the Timetable that is adhered to in Kgp, I had to spend a sizeable chunk of New Year's day( 10 hrs to be exact) in the train, for the third year running. So few of us had a small cake cutting bash in the train itself. The cake cutting had more to do with the growling stomach(s) than being a celebration instead. And with Jan 1st almost always being the start of the spring semester every year, it is generally a semester of hope. Every semester at the start I hope to do well and this time it is no different. Sitting pretty on my good performance last semester, I wish to carry forward the momentum this semester. But then Spring Sem has always been my Achilles heel. So I need to carefully tread and see that history isn't repeated. I know I can mess up big time. Hence I need be careful.

Add to that the fact that CAT is just 10 months and a few days away, so I need to prepare a routine for my preparation. 6th semester also comes gift wrapped with a project. So its project time as well. And we need to get geared up for a 2 month internship after the semester and the hunt for an internship too intensifies this sem. Hence the semester finally equates out to CATting + Intern Hunt + Project Work + CG. Wow!!! All in all, a Gala time awaiting me I guess.

So, I sign off the first post this year with no resolutions -- Will just be Me -- and also with clear cut goals for the semester -- the measure of success meant for another post right at the end of the semester. Adios till the next one.

Photo Courtesy of Hallmark Greetings