Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Somewhere along the way, mediocrity creeps in. You become complacent. You take things too easily, take things for granted. All seems fine for a while. And, then suddenly, a loud THWACK on the face.

LIFE IS A BITCH!!! It slaps you hard and how.

Suddenly reality presents itself before you. The gravity of the situation knocks the wind out of your sails. Before you can realize that you are mired in a deep pit, it moves ahead, seemingly with a fierce fervour. Now you try to drag yourself out with whatever you can find hold of. It’s an epic struggle. Most give up while the prudent, stubborn few fight on to get back on track. The lucky few who resurface find that it’s too far ahead now. You have been thrown off track. So you now know all you can do is to play Catch Up. You keep sprinting desperately with determination and HOPE – an immortal soul. But then…………….

Note : Intern Blues


Anonymous said...

But Then.........Yes Then ulimately you see a bright light glimmering at the cave's exit.There is LIFE waiting for you there with all the largesses,with all the hugs that u deserve for ur perseverance,...THERE'S ALWAYS A BRIGHT END TO A TUNNEL YAAR....Get Going...

Aditya said...

I wish what you said were true.... but there seems to be no end to the misery in sight!!!

Anonymous said...

hehe well said adi...same feeling here!!i got fucking frust with this training thing..make the blog marked ONLY FOR ADULTS ..im gonna come with strong gaalis this time if it doesnot come to an end by feb 6th [:P]

Aditya said...

@ Giri

U dumbass.... This is a public forum. So please show some decorum when u speak something.... about the language u use.

I understand how you feel.... but still......

Krithika said...

it's easy to give up on life.. the best is to not do anything and let time take on ur life

Aditya said...


Waiting for the dreaded Tuesday to arrive, when my fate will be all but decided!!!
It's sometimes better to let things take their own course, instead of sit down and worry over them so much.