Friday, October 17, 2008

TGIF!!! Naah

"Friday", he prophesized, "Friday my friend, You realise how the whole universe is conspiring against you -- hatching the most devilish plot against you".

"How is that?", I queried.

"Hmm.... Here's what happens. Listen. You come to office on Friday anticipating the weekend ahead and you see loads of work dumped onto you. It is late in the evening when you see people trickling out but you know you are going to be in for a couple more hours at least. Your plans to go hit the pub scene are in a disarray. You see your ex flame online and can do nothing but feel bad the relation should've worked. The ones with whom you've made plans for the evening have dumped you to go ahead with them, albeit without you. And then at last, you somehow manage to shut the system off and move out. You trudge your way back home when you see enthusiastic couples vrooming past you on bikes, presumably to the disco. You manage to utter a 'ptch' and continue moving ahead. You realise you are left to yourself and have no company for supper and you also do not know where to go and hence decide to skip it. Further, it dawns on you that you have the weekend ahead and you have 'absolutely' nothing to do. In that moment of solitude and helplessness, you begin to realise how F**ked up you are and what a pathetic state you are in. And then it hits you and it seeps in....... "

PS : Tried reproducing verbatim.
Today I think I am a little close to knowing how he felt....


Vamsi said...

So True boss, Reason why grad school rocks!!!

Aditya said...

@ V

Get me there buddy!!! Wish I could turn back the clock and remake a few decisions :)