Thursday, March 02, 2006


This is all I can say after the tremendous response to the post. “A BIG THANK YOU”. The concern everyone showed, the get well soon messages through the comments and the phone calls to SIVA makes me mighty satisfied. For all the love and concern each one showed, the prayers everyone made for his recovery, HE is discharged from B C ROY (THE INSTI HOSPITAL in KGP, for the uninitiated), is doing quite well and is ready to carry on. Last but not least, I thank “THE ALMIGHTY” for the valuable lessons we learnt, for strengthening the bon called FRIENDSHIP, for letting the world know the real ME and more importantly, for SIVA’s speedy recovery. Thankfully, The ALMIGHTY smiled on him and he could get through with the minimum possible injuries/damage. Now that everything is fine… Itz time we take him to TAMROLIPTO or GARDEN INN and demand our treat (hehe J) …. As I had already mentioned, I am just waiting for the BIRD FLU EPISODE to pass over.

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